I have made it a tradition for the past couple of years to make an annual pilgrimage to Salt Lake City, Utah, to root for my favorite sports team (AKA: The Utah Jazz). I went twice when I was a young lad, back in the days of Stockton, Malone, and Hornacek. Once saw the Spurs, then sporting David Robinson and a young Tim Duncan. Another time saw the Washington Wizards, starring none other than...... On second thought no one special ever really played for the Wizards. Maybe MJ but that wasn't anything special, and he wasn't on the team yet. So, we'll leave it at "I saw the Wizards". As an adult, I decided to make this a regular thing. So, with some experience under my belt, and making some preparations for my next adventure, I find it fitting to share some tips I have learned.
Tip #1 - Buying the Tickets
First, who do you want to see play your team. That's sort of the obvious choice right their. But don't get all ticket happy and log on to your teams website to buy tickets. Sure, the ticket price may be $8, but once you get to checkout, after taxes and fees, that ticket may very well be $20. For me, I have bought all my tickets off of Ebay. Look around, and make sure your searching for the correct event. A lot of times, that $8 ticket really will only cost you $8 this way. I have found some season ticket holders will sell unwanted tickets this way, which will put the ticket at a relatively low price. But basic economics applies as well, supply and demand. If you want two nosebleed tickets to see the Miami Heat, you may be paying a great deal this way, as oppose to the Charlotte Bobcats. If you want to see a high profile team, DO check those team sites first, or try to get them during pre-season sales. Second hand sellers will make as much profit as they think they can. And make sure your seller is reliable. scorebig.com is another source you can try to get your tickets at a steeply discounted price. In short, shop around!
Tip #2 - Lodging
Especially when traveling distances to attend an event, you may want to take in to consideration if you want to stay a day or two. My experience is it snows every time, with out fail. Do some hotel shopping. Best practice, find the most inexpensive hotel possible that is as close to the arena as possible. Our last visit, we were a block from the arena, and the mall. Advantages to doing this is parking your car at the hotel avoids garage fees, and the huge traffic mess. We were back to our room before we would have even been able to find our car, if we didn't do this.
Tip #3 - Fill Up, Pack Light
Concessions at event are pricey. Very very pricey. Don't wait to eat until you arrive but also don't drink so much that you need to hug the urinals. They don't have monitors in the restrooms, and the only action you hear is the guy in the third stall down. Don't indulge in the game if your on a budget. Essentials will keep you some green. Also, don't bring to much in. Everything you have walking in, is what you will walk around with. You can't just park your stuff and trust that it will be their when you come back.
Tip #4 - Your Surroundings
Where you sit, sort of determines how you should be acting. Upper bowl is actually pretty quiet for a sporting event. We had conversations with our neighbors last time we were up their. Standing and shouting only makes you look stupid. Lower bowl, on the other hand, you look quite stupid if your NOT standing and shouting. In addition, the excitement in lower bowl is unbelievably amazing. You will loose your voice, guaranteed.
Preferably wear clothing that supports the home team, or be horribly ridiculed by the locals. At least make sure whatever team your sporting IS ACTUALLY playing... (true story) Recycle old clothing if at all possible. (My apologies to whoever this is for using you without permission)
Tip #6 - Watch Your Step
People put things wherever their please, so watch where you walk when trying to navigate through the isles. Spilling a persons beer is pretty close the equivalent of killing their mother. After all, it cost them $6 for that one cup.
Tip #7 - Take a Picture With the Mascot
They should hand this out at events haha. Except I am that guy wearing my Dolphins gear regardless of what NFL teams playing. I've only been to one Jazz game. I thik I was around twelve. Got to see them play the Magic. Watched my boy Penny and Shaq play, which was pretty awesome.
ReplyDeleteGreat article Nat!